Monday, March 23, 2009

College Transcripts

Recently at the York Homeschool Convention I was asked about college transcripts and how you could relate your own material on them. I answered poorly because I hadn't thought of it before. I hadn't thought of it because, for one, my oldest is just now in 9th grade and with the two curriculum I've written he did them in 7th and 8th respectively and so it wasn't an issue. The second reason is that I have a very "interesting" mother-in-law and two parents who are former teachers and I have to provide descriptions of what the kids are doing in  "educationalese" for them.( makes family gatherings better) To answer the question now; in writing your own curriculum you have goals and you can evaluate if your child has met them on not. For college transcripts you just have to put the goals into "educationalese" and you'll be fine. In fact , I would have to argue better than fine because your curriculum filled in a gap with your child's education  or stretched them in a way that was needed, usually very creatively and colleges like that. The only other thought I have on this, and please, don't take this the wrong way, is if you are questioning how your own material will be received,it might be an issue that you undervalue your own gifts and talents.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


I was asked to speak at a homeschool convention in York, PA. I am thrilled!! I will be speaking on "How an Ordinary Homeschool Mom can Write her Own Curriculum". I was on cloud 9 when I was asked and now I'm back to earth and having to think of what to say! 

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The Gift of Time

My son happened to say that he noticed that he thought differently than many people and he often looked at things from various sides. I first thought he was complaining so I apologized. I know it all because of the books I steered him to read or read to him, of the shows we watch and mainly the discussion we have. He was not complaining but wanted to know how to do the same thing for his kids. I said to give them the gift of time. Time not spent on video games or organized sports but time they have to use their own brains to come up with imaginative play. This one place where quantity outweighs quality. They need time to be bored. Then they can come to know themselves and then and then can look at others with interest but also critical thinking and not just be swept along with the crowd.